Miranda Goad

2024-2026 Graduate Fellow

Miranda Goad began her Securing STEM Island Pathways fellowship in September of 2024. Miranda received her Bachelor’s of Science in Marine Biology at the University of the Virgin Islands in 2023 where she participated in several internships. They included work in mangrove restoration, sandy beach ecology, and fisheries research with the Virgin Island’s Department of Fish and Wildlife. Her most recent work included a short-term fellowship with Navigating Home where she aided in the life history research of Stoplight Parrot Fish and training an AI program for reef fish identification. 

The  Securing STEM Island Pathways fellowship has allowed Miranda to pursue a Master of Marine and Environmental Science degree at the University of the Virgin Islands. “My goals for this fellowship are to build on my skills from my previous work experience, build connections that will enhance my career prospects, and gain skills that will be applicable in a range of fields.” Miranda is excited to continue research in the world of fish biology and to gain experience in migrations, movement patterns, and nursery site fidelity of fish. Miranda says “My ultimate goal is to contribute my share in aiding and maintaining the natural environment of my home in the Virgin Islands.”


Sarai Hutchinson