Amanda Boissiere

2023-2024 Long-Term Workforce Fellow

Amanda Boissiere is an alumni of the University of the Virgin Islands and a Securing Stem Islands Fellow. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Marine Biology and has had undergraduate experience in mangrove education and husbandry. She is currently working in collaboration with the Nature Conservancy Coral Innovation Hub in St. Croix.

Amanda says, “I love the experience of working at The Nature Conservancy through UVI, and I am very grateful for the ability to build my career alongside members of my graduating class. It means a lot to me to pass knowledge on to younger students, and be an advocate for women in STEM. TNC has proven to be a great resource for project development while fostering my current project comparing growth rates between field and land based coral nurseries. My hope for future projects is to study genes and microbial diversity in heat resistant coral.”


Alexandra Cormack


Kwami Alexander